Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey, I finally finished the first episode, I made it once, but wasn't good enough for my standards (which are admittedly low) SO, check it out!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first video! Pretty good considering this is your first episode. I myself am thinking of making a mind series, but seeing how there are so many out today, I'm not sure if I should contribute. I was thinking of doing one on Return to Castle Wolfenstein, staring B.J. Blazkowicz. I'll probably make the first episode and see what the response it. If you could, I would love your inoput on whether or not I should make one. Anyways, back to your series. Overall, it's pretty good, however I just have a couple of suggestions for you.

    1. Raise your voice level and emotion. I can barely hear you sometimes and it seems like you are a bit monotone. Add some more emotion.
    2. Don't run so fast. Try and see if there is a walk button and use that. When you run and stop all the time it makes the character seem jumpy.
    3. Use a script. Plan ahead and make a script of somethings funny or clever to say. It'll will probably make the video more enjoyable.

    Well, those are my tips for you. I haven't started a mind yet so don't take these as Expert tips. Well, I wish you good luck on your next episode!!
