Friday, November 19, 2010

Cuffs cut, deep to the bone

Now, I think me ranting about music is pretty regular now. So, I may as well bring some attention to Matt & Kim. Matt & Kim is a weird, keyboard, drum, dance, indie duo. They have catchy tunes, random lyrics, and great videos. Videos like running through New York Naked, then getting attacked by the cops, or Getting food thrown at them while playing, changing on camera, then being tackled by people dressed as food, or playing keyboard and drums in claustrophobic spaces in places which normally, not one of them should fit. But that is just videos, the music is the real deal. I can honestly say that Matt & Kim have one of the most original styles I have ever heard. Also, they are funny. Not to say that their songs are just 3 minute joke fests, but that in person, they are funny, relaxed, and generally cool. I say this, not from experience, but from the way they act on camera.
Matt & Kim are a great band and have already released 3 albums. I suggest you guy buy all of them. (captions) (1st: Matt & Kim playing in a fridge) (2nd: Matt being arrested for public nudity) (3rd: All I can say is, poor kid.) (4th: Food attacks! You cant see it, but the banana is tackling Kim, looks like the taco might be doing the running man.)

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